Don’t just take our word for it. See what our community have said about our sessions together. Are you ready to start your journey?


“Even though I’ve only been coaching with Jess for just over 6 months, my life internally especially, feels very different to how it was before I met Jess. With Jess, I literally have insights every single day! Every interaction I have with Jess takes me to another level which results in one of two feelings; excitement or the shoogle (the self and often uncomfortable realisations) – which ultimately has the same ending - excitement!

Each time I am taken to a new junction of creation – where I get to choose; I can either carry on living my default path, giving into my thoughts and feelings and allow them to continue to control me or I can choose to create a different way of thinking, being and create the life I want to live and feel now! This is one of my most powerful gains from coaching. 

Most of the work we’ve been doing together is to slow things down and quiet the noise in my head by getting rid of all of the things that are no longer serving me and that are getting in the way of me living my best, most peaceful, fulfilling, fun and exciting life! In essence, we have been on a journey of re-discovering who I am at my core and realising my greatest vision. 

Throughout this process, we have uncovered so many deep, buried thoughts, blocks and habits that have been costing me my life! 

With Jess, I have come to realise how much power I have to release, change and create new thoughts which I am practising every day.  These are the seemingly little things that are making the biggest impact on my life both internally and externally.

Jess has also taught me the importance of having empathy for self and prioritizing in the order of Self, Family/close friends and community/business/church in that order, free of any judgements or guilt. These things along with slowing everything down were pretty alien to me and have given me the space, peace, presence and clarity to begin to create the life I want.  A life, that not only excites and lights me up but one that truly allows me to give my highest level of service to myself, family and community from a place of authenticity and abundance without leaving me drained and actually fills my cup!

You can really trust Jess knowing that anything you say will be received without judgment or criticism, only love, acceptance and a desire to help you uncover who you truly are and unleash your highest potential!”

“Before working with Jess, I did a lot of healing work on myself, but failed to be able to execute towards my goals. I had a debilitating fear of success / failure so I was becoming increasingly unmotivated and failed to ever feel safe going after my dreams. I cared too much about what others thought of me.

My main insecurity before signing up with Jess was the financial investment as I wasn’t sure I could make that commitment. I was in a total lack and limitation mindset.

Since working with Jess, my fear of executing towards my goals is subsiding. I am now on social media everyday when before I was afraid of it. I am now much more confident and authentic when before Jess I was hiding, very insecure and angry. I am now much more friendly and outgoing because she taught me how to embrace and be all of me.  

Her coaching has been so important in waking the sleeping giant within me. She has really helped me to jumpstart my career and my financial prosperity. Also, she has helped me relax and become more social and personable.

I am so glad I found Jess. She has truly helped me transform my life for the better. Jess taught me how to believe in me.”


“Life has changed massively since working with Jess! I went self-employed, and leapt into the unknown. A tiny insight that made a huge difference was definitely ‘slowing down’. I was always rushing from one thing to the next, and thought that, to be successful, I had to be ‘busy’. How wrong was I…. When I slowed down, I allowed myself the space to think and create. That’s where the magic happens! Since going self–employed, I have been offered huge opportunities! I am now heading into my 2nd year of hosting my own yoga retreats with Lovegrove Wellness; Yoga For All. I have been fortunate enough to collaborate with some amazing guest teachers, with many of my retreats selling out! This year, I am also travelling to Birmingham and Scotland, as I have been asked to guest teacher at other wellness and retreat events!

Personally, my life has also changed, as I have moved in with my boyfriend after only a short time together, as I allowed myself to be open, honest and vulnerable. We work together to help each other in all aspects of life, including business, and we love to bounce ideas off each other.

The one thing that has most surprised me is how transformative just one session can be! After my 1:1 sessions with Jess, I always come away feeling refreshed and inspired. Jess really puts things into perspective, she allows me to be vulnerable, encourages me to questions things, get curious and realise my full potential.

Jess is the most loving, selfless, compassionate person I know. She makes you feel comfortable, but also, pushes you out of your comfort zone! She strives to get the best out of you, and pushes you to question yourself, get curious, and, encourages you to be vulnerable.

Jess is true to herself and her mission, and is always there to support me and guide me, whenever I need it.”


“Before working with Jess, I did a lot of healing work on myself, but failed to be able to execute towards my goals. I had a debilitating fear of success / failure so I was becoming increasingly unmotivated and failed to ever feel safe going after my dreams. I cared too much about what others thought of me.

My main insecurity before signing up with Jess was the financial investment as I wasn’t sure I could make that commitment. I was in a total lack and limitation mindset.

Since working with Jess, my fear of executing towards my goals is subsiding. I am now on social media everyday when before I was afraid of it.

I am now much more confident and authentic when before Jess I was hiding, very insecure and angry. I am now much more friendly and outgoing because she taught me how to embrace and be all of me.

Her coaching has been so important in waking the sleeping giant within me. She has really helped me to jumpstart my career and my financial prosperity. Also, she has helped me relax and become more social and personable.

I am so glad I found Jess. She has truly helped me transform my life for the better. Jess taught me how to believe in myself.”


“Before working with Jess, I had invested in other coaches and programmes, mainly looking at strategy, sales and building an audience and was slightly concerned that I was falling foul of the shiny object syndrome by signing up to her 1:1 programme.

My biggest fear before working with Jess was of investing more money that would come to no avail, that maybe I wasn't cut out for entrepreneurship as nothing seemed to be working and that led on to the familiar feeling of not being good enough. My first conversation with Jess was very reassuring though. She was unlike other coaches and so I bit the bullet and signed up and 2 years later I am still a 1:1 client.

Jess has helped me release past beliefs, to catch my thoughts, to serve people rather than focus on strategy and most of all focus on enjoying and being grateful for all that I have and are creating, knowing that it is already mine. Having been stuck in a rollercoaster of negative emotions for so long due to personal circumstances the ease at which everything just falls into place when I truly commit to everything Jess has taught me and without always working hard is amazing.

I would highly recommend both Jess and the Next Level Life community. The support, the love and the commitment shown is like nothing else you will have ever experienced and in my opinion is the reason I have come so far and know that the future is very bright.”


I initially had zero doubt or insecurity in working with Jess. We met for 75 minutes, she shared what was possible, I whole-heartedly believed it, and signed a contract pretty quickly. In subsequent contract agreements, the biggest insecurity was the "how" question of creating finances to sign continuing agreements. Ultimately I realized the "how" does not matter. The only thing that matters is commitment.

My life was pretty unfulfilling. I firstly did not know that I had everything within me to create it fulfillingly with the inner resources I had. I also had a thought process of being stuck. I knew I wanted something more than what I was experiencing, and I did not know how to get there. My career felt draining, my relationship was new AND in default honeymoon, I was not creating time for play. I ultimately felt like a victim to outside circumstances.

Through working with Jess, I left my job to start my own business, moved across the country to build my dream life, eliminated work/life balance because my life is continuous fulfillment, connected with my innate wisdom and wellness, commit continuously to playing all out in all areas of my life through conscious creation, and so much more. Where I'm at now did not seem imaginable one year ago.

I would say right now the biggest surprise is how quickly realizations can occur through continuous practice. I might be in a place of uncertainty and insecurity, and then boom! Something miraculous happens just by a commitment to being where I awake to a new reality I didn't know was so accessible. I have been surprised at the power I've been able to tap into to create my life.

When Jess says she loves you and she has your back, she means it! And she will guide you toward loving yourself in a way that you have not previously experienced. Most inspiringly, Jess never stops growing and evolving. She models what it means to create your life, to be of service, to create impact, to live fearlessly. There is nothing but infinite possibility when creating space with her.


- Atena Sadegh

- Renata Trebing

- Emily Guerin